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Expression of Interest

Please Note:
Eligible applicants may be provided a subsidy under the “Certificate 3 Guarantee / Higher Level Skills" programs funded by the Queensland’s Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training(DYJESBT). However, there will be a co-contribution fees payable by candidates.

**Fee-For-Service students will be notified about the payment structure by Administration prior to the commencing course.

Preferred Pathway*


Type Of Enrolment
Certificate 3 GuaranteeHigher Level SkillsFee for Service

Applicant’s Personal Details:

First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name*
Previous Last Name
Date Of Birth
Concession Card:YesNo
Aust. Citizenship Status:
Front of Licence (please call us if you do not have a Drivers license)

Maximum file size allowed is 4MB

Back of Licence (please call us if you do not have a Drivers license)

Maximum file size allowed is 4MB

Medicare Card

Maximum file size allowed is 4MB

Concession Card

Maximum file size allowed is 4MB

Enter Your Unique Student Identifier (USI)

From 1st January 2015, we, Zest Institute can be prevented from issuing you with a nationally recognised VET qualification or statement of attainment when you complete your qualification if you do not have a Unique Student Identifier(USI). In addition, we are required to include your USI in the data we submit to National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). If you have not yet obtained a USI, you can apply for it directly at Create Your USI on a computer or mobile device.

Enter your Unique Identifier (USI) (if you already have one)
You may already have a USI if you have done any nationally recognised training, which could include training at work, completing a first aid course or Responsible Service Of Alcohol (RSA) course, getting a white card, or studying at a TAFE or training organisation. It is important that you try to find out whether you already have a USI before attempting to create a new one. Your should not have more than one USI.

To check if you already have a USI, use the 'Forgotten USI' link on the USI website at Forgotten USI
